Friday, September 23, 2011

SEO Tutorials Techniques

Welcome to
We will try to teach you SEO Tutorials step by steps , from 100 % very basic end and for totally free of cost.
If you are ADVANCE player in SEO then you can find many black hat tips and seo strategy in tutorials.
But if you are a NOVICE in SEO then you can learn all SEO tricks and techniques here from very basic end.
You will learn everything from 100 % starting and step by steps.
Now the question is
Why we
Can you show me a single website , which teaches SEO ( search engine optimization) from 100% basics ? definitely NO …., Never
But we will teach you everything from BASIC to ADVANCE level and all these absolutely  for free of cost .
We rank in Google at page 1 for our keywords on which our site is , i mean we rank on page 1 for keywords “SEO Tutorial” , “SEO Tutorials”
You can DOWNLOAD various kinds paid tools & BOOKS for FREE and many things to make money online very easily .
Make sure, you have SUBSCRIBED to our E-mails [ in right ] , so that we can keep on updating you about latest SEO Tutorials .
Actually there are some things, can not be shared publicly , these things will be delivered to your email box directly .
Our SEO FORUM can be find here , Our forum is a great place to discuss things with others and to solve your all queries about SEO .
You should take a look at our top SEO Tips .
It will help you in PROMOTING your website in a legal and better way .
Currently our forum is in maintenance mode just because of heavy spamming ,so keep waiting to get it on .
Thank you

SEO Tips
People always make some small mistakes while doing SEO for their websites and it is the only reason why they are continuously loosing their profit at a big level.
In my SEO tutorial , i am sharing many SEO tips . These seo tips will help you a lot , for successful SEO of your website
FOR Whom These SEO Tips Are -

These SEO tips are targeted for those people , who already know SEO and just want to improve their SEO Strategy.
But if you want to learn SEO Tutorial step by steps then you should start from here SEO Tutorials Step By Step
Before of saying anything , i want to say something very important to you .
I know , all of you need money , actually everybody do .
In last section of this article , i have kept my best tutorials on making money without investing a single penny even .
Don't miss that
let us start .

Some Highly Valuable SEO Tips for you
Follow these steps attentively and you will find a great bounce in your site revenue .
1. Search Your Keywords Wisely
I have analyzed people just see a keyword with HIGH number of searches and start doing SEO for it . NO ! Never do it .
If your GOAL is to earn through ADSENSE then first check the CPC , CPC means cost per click .It means how much you will be paid for that particular keyword.Also see how many ADVERTISERS are for that keyword .
Because if there are not enough advertisers then your ads will not be displayed in some countries .
You can check this on you can check , how much cpc and ADVERTISERS are for your keywords.
Always remember there are some keywords , which pay even 82 $ per click . So if you are working on a low CPC keyword then you are making loss .
But if your TARGET is to earn through AFFILIATES , then there is no need to go for CPC.
Use This Toolbar To Increase Traffic On Your Website

Another importants issue that you should always try to use a good and paid keyword tool . There are many keywords having low competition and high number of searches.
Unluckily these great keywords can not be searched without help of these paid keywords tool.And if you are not working on them then you are making a big loss of yourself .
Here are SOME KEY POINTS , you should notice .
# There are some keywords , which are not having any competition at all . Are you TARGETING them?
# How fast you can RANKED FOR them?
# How much they can PAY you ?
For getting solutions of these questions , you should use a trusted keyword tool . Micro niche finder and Market Samurai , these two are the only softwares , trusted for keyword research . Market Samurai is slow extremely but needless to say how exact and true result it provides. Micro Niche Finder also works great and the best thing is that it works FASTER, LIGHTWEIGHT and very EASY TO OPERATE.
So Micro Niche Finder is the best keyword tool to have .
You can DOWNLOAD Micro Niche Finder HERE.
2. Analyze What Your Visitors Really Want
Each contents on your website must be exactly according to visitors need , means if someone comes to your website by searching “ Online Web Tutorials ” then it means he wants to know only online Web tutorials tips and guide.So on that pages discuss only about Online Web Tutorials.

3.Make sure you have done on page optimization on your max
You should do on page optimization in the Legal and perfect way , you can read these seo tips and tricks for on page optimization here .
After reading them , you will never read to read even a single thing about on page optimization .
I personally assure you for this .

4. Build Quality Back links , Not Just Back links

You should concentrate on building hi quality links not just backlinks .
You should use some softwares for building links , though they do not come for free of cost.
Do you know , a pr5 backlinks is equivalent to 7660 pr0 backlinks and 118 pr1 backlinks …
Above numbers are not exact details , they are just some guess by top seo experts .
My many websites rank in top 3 , weather i have very few links compared to my competitors and the reason behind this is “QUALITY BACKLINKS”
4. Use Trusted Link Building Softwares
If you are doing everythings manually then it will take a long time . There are various kinds softwares available in the market which make thousands of forums profiles ,thousands of blogs posts and article posts just in few hours . Go for these softwares .
These are paid but some of these really DESERVE their PRICES .
You can use SENUKE- X software , it is the best and trustable link building software . A good thing about this software is that it gives ultra fast and best quality link building strategy.In this software there HI PR web2.0 and forums profiles.Just feed your keywords ,articles and main site urls in this software and setup with schedule.It will do all necessary seo steps for your site.It is really a complete software which perform each and every task of SEO.
Needless to say ,, it deserve its price , me rank 3 for “Seo tips” , two for seo tutorials , One for seo tutorials step by steps , Three for seo tutorials and all that i did just in twenty days work .
That was never possible manually .
You can not think on signing up on more than 1000(One thousand) websites and then submit contents on them regularly .
Download SENUKE-X from here . [ FREE for 14 days ]
You can get Senuke – X free here . Go with that .
You should also take a look on this video , This video has been given by Matt Cuts .

5. If You Are NEW With SEO , Then Go For EASY Keywords Only

If you are novice to SEO then you should begin with easy and LONG KEYWORDS only , you can use my KEYWORD TOOL for getting easy keywords .Do you know there are many peoples who invest their lot of time and finally come with such long keywords ,where there are no competition at all.
6. Make The AD Placement Proper On Your Website
Peoples often fail to place ADs properly. ADs should be BLENDED with site color and your landing pages will be FULLY COVERED with ADs so that visitors find themselves unable to see original site content unless they do not scroll your website .
This is what said a proper AD placement .

[7]Do you want to really learn SEO ?
i know there are a lot of persons who just search here and there and dont take things seriously and that is why me writing this line in last portion of this SEO tips and seo tutorials segment .
If you are reading me and really serious towards learning seo then drop me an email on and i will send you a 67 $ cost e-book free .
Please remember , this article e-book is not for a newbie , you will need to know many things about SEO before of reading that .
You can find more seo tips here -
SEO Tips and Tricks for On page optimization .
as i had said in starting of this tutorial that i will be sharing something very cool towards making money by free methodes so here are they free ways .

Black Hat SEO Tips
Here are some black hat SEO Tips for you .
If you dont know meaning of BLACK HAT then it is “illegal”
but dont worry , these will not harm your website .
[1] First of all make sure you have done on page optimization on your best level -
Read these seo tips and tricks for on page optimization and you will get to know everything about on page optimization .
When i said “each and everything about on page optimization” then i really mean it .
[2]Use reddit for getting awesome traffic on your site -
Go on , its a famous website .
Pick any post from there, on which people are blabbering a lot .
Now write that post on your website but rewrite that post .
I mean to say , dont copy as it is , rewrite that in your words . Try making it more lovable and more spicy .
Now post that article link on reddit .
If you do this thing then you will get a great flood of peoples on your website , make sure you have placed a lot of ads on that posts because you are going to get enormous amount of traffic .
In case, you can not do this thing because you do not want to messup with your website contents , then make a free blog on and do all this on your blog .
There are chances that this trick will not work for you , then do it again , do it next day again for any other post .
This is my personal guarantee to you that if you use some comman sense and do above said thing then you will get enormous amount of people on your website .
You can even not guess, how much traffic you are going to get .
I have made sometimes 2000 $ a day thru this thru adsense only .
[3]Do the above thing for bukisa also - is a nice website and it gives you 3 $ for 1000 impression on a article that is published by you .
Now do the above thing not on your website but on bukisa and . and . and .
you are making 500 $ a day . Is it cool for you ?
[3]Best black hat trick -
I know you peoples want to read black hat seo tips for your website search engine optimization but building backlinks is the only answer for your every need of search engine optimization .
You have made many $ till now .
Now go and buy SEnuke-x and use it for making backlinks for you .
It comes free for 14 days and if you use it wisely then you have made many $ just in 14 days .

You should also Take a look at out top seo tips for a better revenue thru your website .
If you are not a newbie to SEO , then here are our advanced seo tips for you .
If you want to know that how to make 2000 $ a day using facebook then comment here and i will think to invest my 30 minutes again for writing a tutorial on making making thru facebook . I need comments by 50 people atleast .
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Thanks to all for sharing your love with us and showing the real bond of trust with us .
We promise you to deliver you with all awesome seo tutorials and seo tips that we can deliver

SEO Tips and Tricks For on Page optimization
SEO Tips and Tricks
Here in this tutorials , i am going to share some seo tips and tricks with you .
As the title says , these are tricks for doing on page optimization of your website .
here we start
[1] Make sure you have h1 , h2 tag in a post - H1 tag is the tag , in which you write your keywords in the Largest size (h1) on your website . If you are a bit familiar with html then you have must heard of h1 tag , you have to apply that .
In this posts you can see , that SEO Tips and Tricks , is written in h1 tag , you should apply this on your site , also write your keywords again in your site contents but this time in h2 tag .
You can check h1 tag and h2 tag on this post of my seo tips article .
Actually when google visit your site ,he give your site more value for the keywords, whom you have placed in h1 tag and in h2 tag .
[2]Make sure you have video and image in your some of the articles -
Atleast 3-4 images and 2-3 videos should be on your website . You should have them in your articles .
Check my this seo tips article and you will see that i have added images and video .
Actually when Google visit your website , he will love to find your website with images and video .
[3]Hear the Google Panda Update -
Previously peoples used to do a lots of spamming for SEOing there website and therefore Google made some new rules .
Google said that sites having original content will be rewarded . I know you have original contents on your website but here i am saying you to add atleast two articles a week on your website .
Google bot loves to see new fresh added content on your website . Increasing content on your website gives you many type of benefits .
Have you seen , , , , , ?
i know , you have seen .
Go to google and search for anything and you will find result of these websites in top 3 pages for sure .
These websites rank very high thereself and the reasonsre , they have a lot of fresh newly added content regularly .
I guess, you have read it many times that off page optimization is the thing , that really matters but after Google’s panda update things have changed a bit .
I agree , off page optimization is still the most important things for SEO but on page has got some more values . If it was 5 % previously then 10 % now .
Percentage is just a guess , google never call me .
[4] Make sure you have given backlink to any authority website -
Search for anything on wikipedia and give a backlink to wikipedia for any keyword , it will tell to google that you are taking help of big and standard websites and so your website is nice .
Look in the above line , i have given to backlink to wikipedia for a keyword “backlink”
You can give backlink for any keywords .
[5]Add meta tags on your site and put them in this way -
Add meta tags on your website . In title write like this -> keyword 1 | keyword 2 | keyword 3
eg. if your keywords are seo tips , seo tutorial and seo tutorials then write like this
seo tips | seo tutorial | seo tutorials
in meta descriptions , make it like -> seo tips and seo tutorial and seo tutorials can be found here .
and in meta keyword make it like –> seo tips, seo tutorial, seo tutorials
please take care of “space” , write it like i have written exactly .
[7]Put twitter and facebook like button on your website -
Social media websites are going big day by day and therefore google gives value to sites that are having social media buttons on them so use twitter and facebook like buttons , it will deliver you traffic also because whenever anyone will like a post of yours, his friends will see your website .
Please like this article too
[8]Make sure you have atleast 3 articles on your main keywords on your site -
You must have atleast 3(Three) articles on your website , having your keywords in title of them , even you should add your keywords atleast 3-4 times in contenst of that articles .
eg. if your keyword is “segway” then make sure you are having articles on
buy segway
sell segway
segway bla bla anything.
[8]Do not read any more tutorial for on page optimization -
Hey , you know everythings about on page seo now , why to bother for reading any more tutorial
That is all with on page optimization , Hoping you liked these seo tips and tricks .
You can read here some black hat seo tips to make 500 $ a day without investing a single penny even .
You can read advanced seo tips here but dont read them if you are a newbie to SEO .
If you like this tutorial then please like and bookmark this using the given plugin given below .
thanks .

Advanced SEO Tips
In this tutorials , i am sharing “advanced seo tips” with you . Please Keep in mind, these are never for a newbie .
You must know basics of SEO before of reading this article .
[1]Make push links structure – Are you making link wheel or link pyramid or just making backlinks without having pyramid or wheel things in mind .
If you do not know link wheel and link pyramid then please read basics of seo first ,
if you are the one who always make link wheel or link pyramid then stop doing this . Google easily detect such things as many peoples are making links in wheel or pyramid way .
You should make push links , trust me push links are more powerful than any type of backlinks .
Push links are nice because they are considered as white hat links by Google .
Look , quantity of backlinks is always smaller than QUALITY OF LINKS .
When a new website or new url is made , google gives it a page rank of “N/A” i.e. not affixed .
Push links will make it sure for you that you are getting pr0 links atleast and these links may get page rank soon also .
Here is the structure of push links.

As you can see , you have to make some web2.0 blog posts first and then you have to make 2000 article links for each of they web2.0s .
It would be very nice for you because
# Your all web2.0 blog links will be indexed for sure.
#Each web2.0 link will be a pr 0 atleast not pr “N/A”
#Each will pass great link juice to your website because each web2.0 is connected with 2000 article sites.
let me explain how to make this .
Go on many blog sites and create your backlinks there , make sure you are adding images and videos also in posts and you are not making a wheel or pyramid . Just make backlinks for your website .
Post atleast 7 articles on each web2.0 .
Make 10 web2.0s blog post backlinks atleast .
Get main url of each web2.0 blog , means if your post url is something like then
you have to notedown “” only in a notepad .
so gather all 10 web2.0s blogs main url .
Make 2000 article backlinks for each web2.0 blog .
You can easily make it using AMR , amr is a great software and it submit your article on more than 6000 article sites . If you are not a newbie then you have must heard of AMR , if you dont have it then get it here .
Please remember you have to do 1 submission of AMR for each web2.0 url .
This type of backlinks is called making push links .
These links will perform very nice because you have made 2000 backlinks for your each web2.0 blog so it is for sure that each of them will get pr 0 atleast and each of them will pass a great link juice to you .
Whenever i make push links , i find them in top 100 results for my keyword .
Just think for a second , you are having 4 blogs of yours in top 100 , just guesss where your main site would be now ?
Probably page 1 .
It is a very powerful technique and Google consider is completely white hat because you have only 10 blogs having your link on them and they are not connected to each other , so nice for you .

Thanking you for your subscription to us .
We will send latest SEO Tutorials to your in-box sometimes a month .
You can start learning SEO Tutorials step by step here on.
A SEO E-Book will be delivered to you also .
Enjoy making money thru <— SEO

Article Marketing and article marketing Automation

Article marketing is also a very importants thing of whole seo process .
Let me tell you a funny thing , most of the peoples write many articles everyday and they submit them on various articles directories and starts expecting a huge bounces in there search engine rankings .
No , do not do it .
Let me tell you something about article marketing automation .
Article marketing automations is done by a software named AMR [ article marketing robot ] and using AMR , you can submit your articles on more than 6100 article sites using AMR .
Now just guess , how effective this software is .
You can not think to signup on more than 6000 sites and then publish your article on them but this is possible using AMR .
A single article will be published on more than 6000 sites and this is what you exactly need .
There are some more softwares for articles marketing but AMR is best best and best .
3 article submission using AMR on 6000 sites and done
you have ranked in top 5 search results probably .
It come with spinner inbuilt so your articles will be spun and every single article will be converted in many unique articles also ,so that google dont catch you in sending same article again over and over .
you can download AMR ARTICLE marketing robot here .
My this secret link will make it for 97 $ for you only , weather the normal price is 197 $
haha , a 100 $ discount .
My affiliate link that is , but that will save yours 100 $ .
You can also test the software for few days and the money back guarantee is also there .
Enjoy .

Chapter -10,Link building , web2.0 sites Link wheel , Forum profile wheel , blogcommenting and Article Submission

Link Building , the most important step of SEO .
Link building is the part where you should spend 89% of all the time, you are spending on SEO of your website .
Peoples give there many hour in buildings back links.
The more back link , the more chances you are having to come at first page of google.
Link building needs -
[1]Web 2.0 blog sites submission
[2]Article sites article submissions
[3]Forum profile wheel
[4]Blog commenting
[6]Rss bookmarking

[8]Press Release

Yup , above 8 things are necessary for doing link building and these takes time to do because you need to register , login and post on many blog sites,articles sites , forum sites, and bookmarking sites…
Its not possible to write a small chapter for link building .
Its the most important step of whole SEO.
You can find all above things here on forum of joomlaoscommerceSeoTips.
I am skiping just this chapter only because its really going to be very very long and not possible to write here.
Therefore find all tutorials on our forum for learning link building tutorials .
One more thing , off page optimization is the only thing , that is remaining now .
Rest you have learnt most of the things .
Off page optimization ie link building is the most important process of whole seo and it can never be taught in a small chapter .
You must learn link building slowly and link building needs many things .
We will discuss link building on our forum .
Hoping you liked our tutorials .
Please always remember this that most of the websites ,who teach you SEO have written nearly 6 yeards old things , you should also not buy a software that you just see on net and you buy that .
If you want to know that which softwares you need to buy then check out “Seo softwares” named page and also buy the keyword research software ,i mentioned in keyword research tutorial .
Now its the time for you to proceed on our forum .
Its a cool place as you can discuss things with others and can ask anything and all will be replied .
Keep loving us .

Chapter 9–>Understanding PR [ Page rank ] and using it { Way of working of Google }

PR i.e. Page rank.
Page rank is a very important thing and you must know it .
Before of telling you , what a page rank is , i will tell you a story .
Knowing this story is again important because now i am going to tell you , how Google works.
How Google Works -
See,No-one can tell you the right way ,Google works. because google has written no-where that how it work? but many researches says many things and they are true as well.
I am going to tell you all them .
Before of few years , Google and all other search engines , used to crawl meta tags and on behalf of meta tags , they started showing search results.
But it turned very abusive for search engines , people started doing hate to search engines because search engines started showing wrong results.
Actually people started putting many meta tags in there websites , if a website is about “music” and if the website is having ” video , books and many other things in its meta tags , then if some1 search for books , even then he reached to the website , having “book” in there meta tags and the bad things was that the websites was not having any information about “books”
People started spamming there meta tags with improper content and search engines gave they websites very much importance.
It started killing reputation of search engines .
Then Google changed its rules and made the “back link theory ”
Google said that, if many people are having your website url to them , then it mean , your website is nice and based on this theory google started showing results but once again , this theory failed also.
People started giving there url to many blog sites many times and it lead google to show wrong results again.
Latest PR system by Google -
and then Google again changed its theory and made the PR system.
This system was awesome , in fact “is”
This moment, google shows its results on PR system.
Let me explain you , what a PR is.
PR stands for Page Rank.
Google started giving page rank to websites , google gave PR ranging from 1to 10
The better a website is , the better PR it is having .
PR 10 means , its the best website.
Google gives PR for many reasons e.g. how much back links , how old , how unique content and many more things.
PR system is even being followed by this moment.
so the latest theory by google is – “The more back links you have on HI PR sites , the more visibility you will have in search engines .”
This theory was very similar to google’s theory no. 2 of back linking , but the only difference was , your back links should be on quality websites and quality website means a HI PR website.
and this is the reasons people die for getting there websites url on HI PR sites.
10000 back links on PR 0 sites = 100 back links on PR 1 site = 1 back link on PR7 website.
The above equation is true at a big level .
So,in short , what i want to say is , The more back links on Hi PR websites, you are having , the more exposure you are going to have in search engines.
From next chapters, you will study that how to get your back link on HI PR sites.

move to the next chapter now.?

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